Saturday, 24 May 2014

Ibiza Zoo Project

Zoo Project was a Must! I'd seen so many friends pictures of Zoo and it always looked so good. The fact that all my friends love a good bit of fancy dress/ face paints was perfect!!

We were pretty much sorted for the holiday as two of my friends who happen to be sister, Lisa & Ellen came to the rescue. Lisa is amazingly talented at painting and so she volunteered to bring all of her paints and do our make-up for us. Ellen is a hairdresser and with a quick sweep of genius thinking had all our hair.

Both turned out Fabulous & looked stunning! Best part was, although people had paid to get their paints done by pro's on the island everyone complimented ours on originality & had our pictures taken at the venue. 

Lisa - Peacock   |   Ellen - Tiger
Thanks Girls xo. 

Matt - Lizard
Becky - Leopard

Me - Parrot
Lizzy - Cheetah

Hannah - Zebra
So that's the gang! All different & ready to party!

Getting into the lift before we left we remembered.......


Haha! We heading down to to the taxi rank as it wasn't that far away. After hearing the venue was really strict on cameras/phones being taken in we were abit gutted but decided to chance it anyway. As didn't wana miss the opportunity to take some priceless snaps.

The security guards at the entrance looked quite serious and were not up for jokes considering everyone attending the event was on cloud nine! They checked every bag/pocket/opening they could find..... really!!! But never confiscated a single phone or camera off us. 

Which led to many more snaps.....



The setting was really weird and minimal but considering it was old zoo grounds it seemed fitting. They had all different areas like, hammocks hung in between trees, pool area, tepee's, hardcore dance area covered by netting, merchandise store, inside & outside bar, BBQ and general seating where the main dance floor was.

We thought this caterpillar was the funniest thing we'd ever seen! Absolute brilliant idea, although once the drinks were flowing we thought it might be funny to join on the end. Obviously didn't go to plan while they were still walking haha.

The atmosphere was great as the night went on.. the drinks were quite expensive but completely worth it in my opinion. One pitcher (if you can handle one to yourself) will do you for the night with the amount of alcohol they free pour in.

This was 30 euros >>>

got a long island ice tea & I swear half the pitcher was just pure vodka, gin, tequila & rum. DELICIOUS

Don't really know how many pitchers we ordered between the group but its clear to say no-one left sober!! But we did try and calm it down half way through the night by visiting the BBQ..... Twice for some of us haha!


The whole zoo was lit up by hanging fairy lights of all different shapes and sizes. We left around midnight by the buses provided, they picked everyone up outside the zoo and took them back to San Antonio bus station. 

With all our paints still in tact we quickly ran back to the room so some could change/ alter outfits & partied all night long! 

 Had to get a picture of this when I seen it!

Well not for me, I totally crashed & burned a few hours later! The rest carried on, bought a takeaway and found a beach rave early hours haha

& I woke up to this 

                                                                                     Matt gone! His mattress gone!

Gladly he had only come in and moved his mattress into the other room due to his drunken ways. Unlucky for us the morning we went to Zoo project all our sheets had been freshly changed so we therefore had to sleep on our brightly stained sheets another night :|

Thank god we had the gorgeous beach on our doorstep to cure them hangovers everyday.

Misha. xo

Thursday, 22 May 2014

IBIZA... Boat Party | Sunset Strip

As always me & my friends want nothing more than to party as much as we possibly can, which led to us organising my first friends holiday last August to Ibiza!!! THERE ARE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE IT! Well maybe a few words but mostly an overload of pictures (as I got snappy happy). 

After preparing for this holiday for weeks making sure nails are done, lashes done, pre tan done & a whole suitcase of fabulous clothes we were all so ready to get on that plane & therefore called for a plane selfie.

We booked to stay in San Antonio in the white apartments which were located above the Pukka Up bar, right next to the egg (for anyone who has been know about the egg). Our apartments were so central the sand was literally on our balcony. 


Living above Pukka Up bar was so convenient as we could just walk down and buy tickets to any club/event we wanted to attend. We had pre booked the Pukka Up boat party for our first day there so once we were ready we headed downstairs for the pre party/drinks in their bar.

Most of us had never been on a boat party before and automatically assumed it would be like the ones you see on 'magaluf weekender' however, Ibiza boat parties are most definitely all about the music rather than the stripping games haha! 

So normally I'm the worst for travel sickness and so popped a few kwells before getting on that boat! But luckily I was fine and managed to rave for the full 3 hours.The music, atmosphere and people on our boat couldn't have been better, we had suchhhh an amazing day.

There were so many Scottish people on the island the week we were there... swear there must have been some amazing deals flying Glasgow/Edinburgh to Ibiza. So there's no surprise that we became friends with a group of Scottish lads from our boat and ended up partying with them most nights. 

As the day went on the party got messier, the drinks got stronger & I acquired a snap back!

I think we took more pictures on the boat than any other day. Obviously the novelty of snapping wore out pretty quickly after the amount took on day 1. But while your here I may as well show a few more ha!

Love this photo 

^^^^^^ As you can tell from this photo, the boat party ended on a high with an amazing sunset. Nothing better than partying to some of the best DJ's in a place like this. Going to let this picture speak for itself.

Having bought tickets for the boat party it meant we got free transport & entry into Amnesia that night. Just so happened Nero and Chase & Status were playing LIVE!!!!!! Can honestly say the night was unreal but I had drank so much hardly any pictures were taken once we arrived at the club.

After Amnesia we got the bus back & thought it might be a good idea to find the strip.................


After a few heavy nights we decided to stay in San Antonio for the night and see what the strip was like. We got ready pretty early and decided to go for some tea down by Cafe Mambo's and pre drink there before heading out. 

We found a nice little restaurant/hotel called 'Manila' with outdoor seating located in such a great spot for more photos of the sunset. As just turning up to eat on the day down at the best places on the sunset strip i.e. Cafe Mambo/ Savannah/ Cafe Del Mar/ Kanya, wasn't really happening as all of the tables had reserved signs on from 4pm.

The food at Manila was really nice but they served such big portions, this was great for the money but too much for all of us as I'd only been eating one meal a day, (always a fresh tuna baguette ha!) so I didn't have a big appetite. 

After eating we walked further down the strip and found some little shops were everyone seemed to be purchasing their alcohol... so we joined in! We got a few bottles of different things to share and ended up fighting for a spot to sit down on the rocks because it got so busy so quickly. 

Although saying this, both nights we decided to go watch the sunset Fat Boy Slim & Mark Knight were both DJing at Cafe Mambo's, so you can imagine there were crowds upon crowds. 

Once the pre drinks finished we left the seafront & headed down to the strip which was only a few minutes walk. Thinking it was a good idea to have at least one drink in every club.... soon made the night unmemorable!

and you'll never guess who we bumped into.......

Yep! The Scottish Boys.

We enjoyed eating down on the sunset strip and relaxing for a few hours so much, we walked down and booked a table for our last night on the island at Savannah. We were very unlucky with our returning flights as we checked out at 12pm but didn't get picked up for the airport till 12am due to our flights being at 3am the next morning!!!! 

It wasn't as bad as it sounds but it was loooooooonngggggg! Knowing we couldn't get tempted to go out we spent the day actually exploring Ibiza in the daytime buying lots of tack from the little markets and merchandise shops to take home.

The table we booked was at Savannah, sat outside on the decking it was an absolute gorgeous setting and perfect for our last night there.  Thank god we had booked a table for tea, we knew this would waste a good 4 hours, with the amount of people down on the sunset strip you could sit and people watch all day (something I love).

I ordered the traditional fish and chips for tea, as we were on the sea front it seemed fitting. The meal was again quite a large serving, the fish itself was huge and came with a pot of tartar sauce on the side. Between us all there was a variety dishes ordered from the menu & can say they were all delicious.


You  probably won't believe me when I say I took this picture.. But I did! 
I honestly don't think the setting could be any better. If you ever go to Ibiza this should be right near the top of your list & if you don't you can always see it first hand by streaming it live here.

Misha. xo